
Paleo Curry-Spiced Chicken Nuggets

I'm Cait Crowell

I'm a Colorado-based girl who turned my passion for nutrition into a multiple 6 figure business. I love gluten free pizza, outdoor adventures, going down research rabbit holes, and being honest AF. I'm here to help you master your health and your business, one day at a time. 

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How is it February?! I’m not sure if time is going by quicker because I’m done with college and “in the real world” or if it’s because I’m so dang busy these days. Probably both.

I’ve had a ridiculous amount of schoolwork to complete recently, but man I totally suck at getting work done when I’m at home. Are you like that too? I will start doing literally everything else except do my work when I’m at home. I’ll start doing things I don’t even like to do just to avoid it. I’ll start cleaning the bathroom and doing laundry and crap like that. But hey, at least the laundry is getting done right? Too many distractions at home… I get too comfortable.

Chicken nuggets.  I grew up eating way too many chicken nuggets. Mainstream nuggets are pretty freakin’ disgusting though, lets be honest, and totally void of ANY nutrients. The problem? They taste so damn good! Somehow McDonalds managed to make pink slime taste delicious, how terrifying. So I figured why not create a recipe with real ingredients that isn’t super complicated and taste just as good as it is good for you?!

I think you’ll enjoy this recipe, and I’m positive your body will enjoy it 1000x more than good old Mc D’s. I will say this recipe is a bit involved though, so be ready to stand in the kitchen over a hot pan of coconut oil while flipping your delicious, nutrient dense nuggets to a brown perfection. Stu and I had these with some Sir Kensingtons Special Sauce, which is probably my favorite sauce EVER. Seriously, it’s like crack. Go buy some!

Paleo Curry-Spiced Chicken Nuggets
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 2-4
  • 2lbs [url href=”″]chicken thighs[/url] cut into 2″ squares
  • 2 eggs whisked
  • 1/2 cup [url href=”″]coconut flour[/url]
  • 3 tbsp [url href=”″]Cup For Cup – gluten free flour[/url]
  • 4 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp [url href=””]Mineral Salt[/url]
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tbsp curry powder
  1. Clean and cut your chicken into 2″ squares and set aside
  2. In one bowl, whisk together 2 eggs. This will be your egg wash
  3. In another bowl, add coconut flour, gluten free flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and curry powder. Mix until well combined.
  4. Prep a large plate beside the stove with paper towels on top to place the chicken nuggets after cooking to absorb extra oil.
  5. Heat a large cast iron pan over medium-high heat.
  6. Add coconut oil to the pan and melt completely until very hot.
  7. This is where things get fast! One by one, take a piece of chicken and dip it into the egg wash, and then into the breading.
  8. Once completely covered with breading, add the chicken nugget to the hot coconut oil. It should sizzle upon being placed into the oil.
  9. Cook until browned completely, about 1-2 minutes on each side.
  10. Remove from the pan and put onto the paper towel plate to absorb any extra oil
  11. Repeat this process until all of the chicken nuggets are done!
  12. ENJOY!!
We used chicken thighs for ours, but you can use ground chicken, chicken breast, etc.

I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with What Cait Ate!

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