
Slow Cooker Rosemary Lamb Shoulder

I'm Cait Crowell

I'm a Colorado-based girl who turned my passion for nutrition into a multiple 6 figure business. I love gluten free pizza, outdoor adventures, going down research rabbit holes, and being honest AF. I'm here to help you master your health and your business, one day at a time. 

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I didn’t know where lamb came from or what it was exactly until I was about 7 years old. When I found out lamb was the adorable, cute, little baby sheep from across the farm fields behind our house, I freaked the hell out. So, I didn’t eat lamb for dinner that night .. and got REALLY weird about eating meat all together.

On that note, let me just say I think we are all out of touch as to where our meat comes from. We de-animalize the meat we consume by packing it up in neat, clean packages at the fresh-smelling supermarket so that no one has to even think for a second where it came from. Just as I was struck with reality at age 6, everyone needs to understand their meat comes from another living being- an animal, just as we are. We should always be grateful to the animals that have their lives taken just to give us life. Sounds cheesy, go ahead and laugh at me, but it’s true.

The ancestry of every culture humanity evolved from understood this simple truth, yet somehow we have forgotten the importance of being grateful for the meat we are fortunate to eat. We’ve also seemed to have forgotten how to properly raise animals, thanks to industrialization.. which is a whole other topic I wont get into right now. Maybe I’ll blog about that one day when I’m feeling pensive. But for now, I suggest reading Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan! Great book.

Now, there’s absolutely no way I would ever cut animal protein out of my diet, especially after learning in depth about human physiology and what the body needs on a nutritional level to function optimally. BUT- I will say this: it is INCREDIBLY important to source your animals from a farmer who properly raises them.

What can you do? Find a Farmer and become best friends with him/her!! Or you can use these simple tools:

For LOCAL farmers and resources for pasture-raised meats, poultry, and eggs near you:

For nationwide SHIPPING of healthy animal products, including bison, beef, poultry, pork, eggs & seafood:

Slow Cooker Rosemary Lamb Shoulder
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4-6
You’re gonna need a slow cooker for this one! Delicious, easy recipe that cooks for you so you don’t have to. Great for meal prep, on-the-go families, and every day people who are looking for an easy meal.
  • 4 Pounds of[url href=”″]lamb shoulder[/url]
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 cloves of garlic, diced
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 1 cup red wine
  • 1 cup [url href=””]bone broth[/url], beef or chicken ([url href=””]I used my Homemade recipe[/url])
  • 1 Tbsp of each for the seasoning mixture: thyme, rosemary, black pepper, piment pepper, salt
Prepare your meat:
  1. Take meat out of its package and run it under cold water to clean. Dab meat dry with paper towels
  2. Brush some olive oil on all sides of the meat, then add the seasoning mixture evenly on all sides.
Brown it up:
  1. Heat a [url href=”″]cast iron pan[/url] over medium-high heat.
  2. Add butter and olive oil to the hot pan, and melt until hot and sizzling. (You want the pan to be pretty darn hot so that the meat browns easily!)
  3. Once the oil and butter are sizzling, add the meat and brown on all sides- about 3 minutes per side.
Cook it up:
  1. Toss the meat in the [url href=”″]slow cooker[/url] and the add garlic, onion, [url href=””]bone broth[/url], and red wine.
  2. Cook on low for 7 hours
  3. Shred and enjoy!

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