
How To Start A Nutrition Business | Q+A

I'm Cait Crowell

I'm a Colorado-based girl who turned my passion for nutrition into a multiple 6 figure business. I love gluten free pizza, outdoor adventures, going down research rabbit holes, and being honest AF. I'm here to help you master your health and your business, one day at a time. 

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My best tips and tricks for running your biz without losing your shit

My secrets for putting it all together and leaving room for balance.

Simplifying the complex world of functional nutrition

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You asked and I answered!  Join me as I answer all your questions related to starting a nutrition business!

In This Episode:

  • You’re an NTP, now what?
  • Resources for starting an NTP business 
  • Should you niche?
  • All things clients – where to find them (online or in person?), how to attract them, best practices for dealing with noncompliant clients.
  • Continuing education
  • Programs, processes, and tools for your business
  • Pricing – should you offer packages?  How should you structure your offerings?
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome

Resources Mentioned:

We also discussed my FREE how-to guide on starting your nutrition business. It’s full of actionable, helpful tips and tricks to get you started. 👇

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