
The Best Pureed Cauliflower

I'm Cait Crowell

I'm a Colorado-based girl who turned my passion for nutrition into a multiple 6 figure business. I love gluten free pizza, outdoor adventures, going down research rabbit holes, and being honest AF. I'm here to help you master your health and your business, one day at a time. 

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PC: RecipeGirl

PC: RecipeGirl

Fall food is my ABSOLUTE favorite! Well, aside from smoothies that is. The whole atmosphere of fall just makes me want to eat delicious, warm, nourishing food. Who doesn’t want to cozy up around a fire with A big comfy sweatshirt and a big mug of pumpkin spiced chili?! Dang, I have NO idea where that chili thought came from, but now I NEED to create that dish…

Fall is also the season when I would go camping & hiking with my family as a young girl, rake giant leaf piles and jump into them with our dogs, and it’s the season my fiancé and I started dating (fall 2012)!! Man, lots of great memories during this season. Fall is the freaking best.

If you’ve been following me on social media, you know that my digestion has been struggling a bit and veggies have been tough on this tummy lately! With warm fall meals in mind, I decided to switch up my Cauliflower game and make it into a purée!

It’s absolutely delicious and insanely easy to make, I know you will LOVE it!

“Better Than Mashed Potatoes” Puréed Cauliflower
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
  • You’ll need a [url href=”″]food processor[/url] or blender for this recipe!
  • 1 large head of cauliflower
  • 1 tsp [url href=”″]garlic powder[/url]
  • 1tsp [url href=”″]redmond real salt[/url]
  • 4 tbsp [url href=””]grass-fed butter[/url]
  • 2 tbsp [url href=”″]unrefined coconut oil[/url]
  1. Remove the stem from the cauliflower and steam the entire head until soft when a fork is inserted into the florets.
  2. Strain the florets and add 1/2 at a time to your [url href=”″]food processor[/url].
  3. As the florets become blended & more condensed, add the other half of the florets, [url href=”″]Redmond Real Salt[/url], and [url href=”″]garlic powder[/url], [url href=””]butter[/url]and [url href=”″]coconut oil[/url]
  4. Continue to blend until completely smooth and puréed.
  5. Serve + enjoy!
* If puree is too thick, add more coconut oil OR milk of your choice

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